Time to Chill 8.30.11


Better late than never, hm?

Now, I have some really great news to announce but am not ready to announce it quite yet.  You might be thinking, “What great news could she possibly announce?  She went to Michigan for her birthday on a surprise trip.  Her boyfriend of almost 6 years JUST proposed to her.  Seriously.. what could be better than that?”

Now, I’m not saying this is better than those things.  Really — Bret proposing to me is probably the greatest thing in the entire world. However, this is the first time in my life where I feel like a I have a clearer picture of my future.  I’m SO EXCITED for what things are waiting for me and Bret just around the corner.  We are so excited about this next step and are ready to take it together.

I’m going to call this post greener pastures.

August — you have been quite the month.

2011 — you have been quite the year.

I am so thankful for everything and everyone right now.  More now than ever before do I believe that everything happens for a reason.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.  

-Walt Disney

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