Time to SERIOUSLY Unwind


So back a little over a month ago, I made a pretty long post dedicated to my twin sister since it was our birthday.  As you know for my birthday, my boyfriend surprised me by taking me on a trip to Lake Michigan.  Well, apparently, a large majority of our friends and family thought that Bret was going to propose during that week.

If Bret had proposed during that week, I would definitely let all of you know.

So no.  Bret did not propose to me during my trip to Lake Michigan.


I’m still kind of reeling from everything that has been going on this past month:

  1. Birthday Celebrations
  2. Birthday trip to Lake Michigan
  3. Visit Bret’s family to see his sisters
  4. Visit the Jersey Shore to see family members
  5. Get ENGAGED
  6. Drive home to tell family members
  7. Take a moment to breathe


I know it probably isn’t going to get “easier” — technically speaking — but I’m going to give myself two years until we get married.  Everyone seems to be freaking out a little bit about this date.

“You guys have been dating for almost 6 years and you want to wait an additional 2 years until you get married??!!”

Bret and I like the idea of being fiancé/fiancée for a little bit.  I mean, really… We know we’re going to be together for the rest of our lives, and there are still some other things I’d like to focus on right now instead of planning a wedding.  If you all have waited for us to get married this long, I think you can handle the rest of the ride, hm?

It will be worth the wait.  Trust me.

Now… This is the part when I’m going to get cheesy/sappy/lovey dovey because – c’mon…  I’M ENGAAAAAGED!!

Bret.  You are the best.  You are my rock.  You have supported me in so many ways that I simply don’t even know where to start.  You tell me all the time how proud you are of me no matter what the situation is.  You tell me that I’m beautiful.  You have taught me how to enjoy the little things in life without missing out on the big ones.  You give me a reason to smile every single day and find ways to constantly make me laugh.  You are the glue — You are everything that makes me complete.  Where I am successful, you are right there beside me.  Where I fail, you are there to pick me up.  Thank you for giving me so many memories.  Words cannot express everything you have done for me these past (ALMOST!) six years.  I am so happy that I will be able to continue riding this roller coaster called Life with you until the day I die.

You are my best friend.  You are my soul mate. You are my fiancé (AHHH!!! 🙂 )

You are the love of my life.

As always, I’ve included a playlist.  Now, because I wanted to add some extra cheese to this special occasion, I’ve also created a “slideshow” of all the lyrics to the songs.  Honestly, half the reason these songs were chosen were because of the lyrics.  They’re very pertinent to our relationship and this wonderful engagement… so yeah.  If you want to read the lyrics along with the songs, check out the link below 🙂

LINK TO LYRIC SLIDE SHOW: http://280slides.com/Viewer/?user=100630&name=Engaged!&fullscreen

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